Delivering Impact - 30 Day Plan
We are back, post Ramadan. Here is our plan for the next 30 days. Drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you.
Focused on these areas:
1. projects
2. guest speakers
3. movie night
4. grade 4 plan
5. blog posts
6. website v2
7. miscellaneous
Interested in the details? Read on below.
We will also be introducing the team behind this. One post at a time!
Look forward to sharing more details with you all.
This is what we will try to do. We have to get this right. If we do, we will have a running start in making a dramatic impact on the life of these kids and set them up for something great.
1. Project
show a simple video around "what is the internet?"
then show a simple video around "what is a presentation"
also, show some great sample presentations
then split in 4 groups (if they aren't in them already)
assign each one a topic - this is what TED Prize winner Sugata calls "big questions"
we are going to take it to the next level
and give them 30 days to work on a presentation
here are the 4 questions
1) what is success?
2) what is wordpress?
3) how does google work?
4) what makes art great?
DAY 2+
free to do what they want
use notebooks as a "whiteboard" for ideas
presentations will be made with Haiku Decks
DAY 30
after 30 days see how far they have gotten
maybe new topics
maybe move hands on - coding?
aggressive goals
2. Guest Speakers
bring 1 spekar in per month
talk on any topic
no limitations
we will blog about it too!
anyone visiting Lahore and wants to speak?
3. Movie Night
e.g. inside/out is supposed to be deep - how human emotions work
also, documentaries
4. Grade 4
in addition to grade 5, start expanding to grade 4
we have built a tech lab, let others use it too
5. Blog Posts
keep connected with you all
write 1 post a week
share progress, get your thoughts
6. Website
updating the website
focus on:
empowering kids w/ 21 century skills - problem solving, team work
data driven
approach agility
7. Miscellaneous
collaboration with our friends at Ted and School in the Cloud
register 501c3
Your thoughts and feedback are welcome.