We're Not Stopping

If you read our previous piece, you must be aware of our student’s recent introduction to Udacity and the in-depth learning it offers to anyone and everyone. Well, the kids at MWS have continued their journey with the learning platform and have put in their 100% throughout.


It was due to the undying support of their parents and teachers that the students were able to overcome their initial difficulties at interacting with new and relatively difficult concepts. Now our students have established a strong grip over the topics of lists, functions & classes among other material. However their work doesn’t end with them just having completed the course, but instead the students have now been tasked with a project that actually tests their grasp at these concepts and helps the teachers keep a report of the student’s progress.

Once the students have submitted their projects and gone through the evaluation process, they will be given the opportunity to continue with another course on another learning platform, Udemy. This course will be a literal step-up for the students since they will not only be building on what they’ve already learnt but will also be introduced with the Web crawling framework, Scrapy. This will be quite a challenge for both the students and our teachers, but we have no doubts that together they will be able to tackle whatever may come at them!


Now everyone who knows about us is no stranger to our belief in always trying to take on new challenges and imparting any knowledge, however we can. It is due to this that we have also decided to launch a new graphic designing course for the students at MWS which will offer our more creative students with the opportunity to share their ideas with the rest of the world.

Our dream to bring about a new generation of students that will not only challenge the status-quo, but will be equipped with a variety of skills is slowly bearing fruit and we cannot be anymore proud of our students and the work they’ve been putting in for so long.


Khud's Accelerated Progress at Harsukh


The Extra Mile