Demo Day at Khud Mughalpura School

Demo Day was conducted at Khud School, Mughalpura on 10th October, 2019. Khawaja Naseem Sahab honored us with his presence. Students presented their work and learning from Khud EdTech Classes at their school. The students showcased their working and knowledge about Scratch, Graphic Design, Python and Video Editing.

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-04 at 15.49.26.jpegWhatsApp Image 2019-11-04 at 15.49.26.jpeg

In the last 3 years, Khud has come a long way. The students have graduated from their elementary school with tech skills which will help them grow personally and professionally in every field of the life. These students are all from humble background and they go through this EdTech journey with an unparalleled zeal. All these students have the curiosity and eagerness to learn and grow. Every day, we can see their boosted confidence and how they love to spend time with Khud’s Teachers and learn from them.


Khawaja Naseem Iqbal visited all the classrooms where the students presented their work. Every kid had a new idea and creative work to present. All the students were well prepared and their confidence while presenting their learning and content grip was astonishing. A total number of 25 students were present with their work which assures their bright future along with their teachers who were all super proud for they have seen these students grow from Day 1.


Four years into our journey, Khud’s vision of end to end digital literacy is now taking shape:

  • Introduction to Computer: learning how to type and operate a computer

  • Presentation and Storytelling: learning a new topics (e.g. Artificial Intelligence) and developing a presentation

  • Video Editing: creating and editing videos (this can easily lead to vocational work as emphasis on video content is ever increasing)

  • Software Programming (starting with Scratch and moving onto Python)

  • Sketching: (An important component for Graphic Design and Art world)

Four years into Khud’s journey, we are now very excited to formalize our edtech programs and scale. We need all the help - please volunteer with or support us financially.



Good News from Khud School


First Day at Khud