Design Fundamentals: Typography and Storyboarding with Ammar Sadiq

In continuation with our mentorship session series we had the pleasure of having Ammar Sadiq, Assistant Manager Creative and Design at Sapphire (Pvt) LTD, over at one of our schools.

Ammar with our design cohort

Ammar's talk centered around addressing one of the biggest challenges we face in nurturing top notch design talent i.e. how to help students find their creative voice. He impressed upon students the importance of developing their own unique creative voice, ranking it as something even more crucial than knowing the relevant tools. This development of the creative voice, per Ammar, is intrinsically linked to the maturing of the creative eye i.e., being able to see and appreciate other people’s creativity through their work. Thus, if you can see and absorb the creative angle in any piece of design then you can formulate your own creative voice.

The importance of storyboarding to channel creativity in design was also talked about. Ammar, through the use of examples showed the students how they could use ready-made elements to make a storyboard. In addition, he demonstrated how a storyboard is used in the corporate world to capture the client’s imagination and communicate crucial aspects of the design.

Ammar in action

The latter half of the talk was spent on exploring the fundamentals of typography and its place in a designer’s arsenal. Different kinds of typographies and their most appropriate uses were discussed, in addition to choice of fonts, font sizes, text contrast, line spacing and text color.

Mentorship session like Ammar’s help our design students supplement their theoretical knowledge with practical nuances that are seldom found in online courses. We are grateful to Ammar and all the design gurus who have helped our students get better, their contributions go a long way in bridging the gap between expensive formal design education and our accessible self-learning model.

All wired in!


Hello World!


Design Fundamentals: Layout and Composition with Bedar Hassan