Roshni School, a Momentous Step Towards Eradicating Child Labor

Mr. Atif Ikram, Mr. Abid Hameed Khan, Mr. Sanaullah Mughal and other honorable PASPIDA members pictured at the inauguration of the Roshni SchoolMr. Atif Ikram, Mr. Abid Hameed Khan, Mr. Sanaullah Mughal and other honorable PASPIDA members pictured at the inauguration of the Roshni School

Mr. Atif Ikram, Mr. Abid Hameed Khan, Mr. Sanaullah Mughal and other honorable PASPIDA members pictured at the inauguration of the Roshni School

Inaugurated this past month the Iqbal Khursheed Roshni School is set to open its doors for working children who have been denied their right to education by their desperate circumstances. The school will target students from the ages of 7 to 12 and will follow a measured learning model to gradually familiarize former working children to a learning environment.

Talking to a gathering of friends and well-wishers at the opening ceremony, founder and patron Mr Khawaja Naseem Iqbal announced that the school will ensure its students get nutritious meals and adequate clothing. A time tested strategy applied in India and almost all western countries to ensure maximum attendance in low income public schools.

Mr. Khawaja Naseem Iqbal speaking at the inauguration ceremonyMr. Khawaja Naseem Iqbal speaking at the inauguration ceremony

Mr. Khawaja Naseem Iqbal speaking at the inauguration ceremony

In addition, the school will implement a Khud-powered digital curriculum to introduce the children to the world of computers, which will not only supplement their learning curve for reading and writing but also equip them with invaluable skills to overcome child labor.

The vision behind the Roshni School, as Mr. Naseem detailed, is to encourage underprivileged households to send their children to school without bearing any costs for their tuition or uniforms. Once students reach a certain educational level their parents are expected to view their children’s education as a ladder out of poverty and discontinue their day jobs.

We at Khud are super optimistic about the potential of this collaboration and hope to see Roshni School become a beacon of education and poverty alleviation for the area.  


Special Report: 12.9 Million Forsaken Dreams


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